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The Safeguarding Lead at Coombe Boys' School is Mrs Morris who can be contacted via the school enquiries phone number or by email: [email protected]
If these staff members are unavailable, please speak to another member of the Leadership Team.
Governor Safeguarding Lead: Roma Townsend
Kingston Single Point of Access (SPA) 0208 547 5008
Kingston Out Of Hours Service 0208 770 5000
Merton Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) 0208 545 4226/4227
Merton Out of Hours Service 0208 770 5000
Sutton Children's First Contact Service (CFCS) 0208 770 6001/6072
Sutton Out of Hours Service 0208 770 5000
Wandsworth Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) 0208 871 6622
Wandsworth Out of House Service 0208 871 6000
The welfare of all pupils is of vital importance and monitored closely throughout the tutorial system which is well established at Coombe.
Please find our safeguarding & child protection policy on our policies page.
If a boy feels ill during lesson time the teacher will send him with a note to the medical area. Parents are contacted immediately if illness necessitates a boy going home or if an accident has occurred. It is important, therefore, that the school has details of parents’ home and emergency telephone numbers.
There is also space in your son’s diary for him to record an emergency contact number – please ensure that this is filled in and kept up to date. It is very important that we know of any medical situations which arise during a school day, so if your son feels unwell, he should tell his teacher and report to Reception in the first instance.
All boys who become ill or who have an accident will be assessed by qualified First Aid staff. These staff will make a decision about contacting home and giving any treatment. In an emergency, we will make a decision about seeking further medical advice but in the majority of circumstances, this decision will need to be made by the parents. We would ask you to support us in this matter and only make arrangements for your son to leave school via the office staff. The school does not employ a trained nurse, therefore students with any medical conditions should be taken to their GP by the parents/carers and not sent to school for diagnosis.
Occasionally a child will come to us with a minor pain (e.g. an earache or headache) and there will be times they ask for a pain relief. The school’s policy is that we do not supply pain relief to students without written permission from the parent/carer. The child must also have their own supply of tablets that will be kept in the medical room.
If your child has a chronic condition that the school is aware of, please help us to help them by keeping us informed of any changes. This is particularly important if they take part in any school trips or activities as the school records are used to collate relevant information.
If you are aware that your son/daughter is unwell and not fit to attend school please keep them at home. Any vomiting or diarrhoea should be given a clear 24 hour period to avoid the spread of viruses.
If your son/daughter sustains an injury over the weekend please ensure they are dealt with before returning to school.
Students should not be using their mobile phones to contact parents if they feel unwell in school. They should tell the teacher who should sign their diary and send them to the medical room to be assessed by one of the first aiders on duty.
We do not hold student inoculation records at the school.
Records of inoculations that were administered before August 2016 are available from KU19, Hollyfield Road, Surbiton Telephone: - 020 8549 6323.
Records of inoculations administered after August 2016 are available from Hounslow and Richmond Community Health Telephone: 020 3691 1042.
Individual pupils who are undergoing a course of treatment should leave their tablets or medicine in the care of the School Office. These should be in a separate container, clearly labelled with the pupil’s name, the name of the drug, the dosage and the expiry date of the drug.
On each occasion when a pupil needs to bring medicine into school, we will need a separate letter from the parent with full details of the needs of the child.
The welfare of all pupils is of vital importance and is monitored closely throughout the tutorial system which is well established at Coombe.
When they join the school, each boy is placed in one of six Houses: Oak, Elm, Willow, Beech, Chestnut and Cedar. He will stay in the same house throughout his time at Coombe. Registration is taken in this group by the Tutor who is responsible for the boys’ well-being. This tutor group helps the boys to know that they matter as individuals. When possible, we try to keep the same teacher with the same tutor group throughout a boy’s time at Coombe.
The Head of Year, Deputy Head of Year and Tutor have a personal knowledge of each boy and are on hand to provide help and guidance in all aspects of school life. They communicate with parents and with external welfare agencies which provide support for the home and the school.
If you have any concerns about your son’s well-being, you should discuss them with his tutor or the Head of Year ( 020 8949 1537 / [email protected]) or use the enquiries form in the contact section.
The Pastoral Team all monitor the pupils progress closely via Coombe Boys' PSHE, which is part of the curriculum, provides help, guidance and opportunities for them to develop academically, socially and individually. Any problems or queries may be discussed with your son’s Tutor or Head of Year in school, by appointment, by telephone on 020 8949 1537, or by email on [email protected]
The Head of Year can refer any learning, behavioural or medical problems to the Education Welfare Officer, the Educational Psychologist and the School Nurse, who visit regularly.